Can Writing be A Good Remedy to Fight Loneliness?

Authored by: Nicole Garrison is a professional writer and editor for GrabMyEssay.

Loneliness is an issue that affects people of all ages. The older the person, the more isolated they might feel, especially if they live far from their families or by themselves. Finding ways to combat that loneliness is important and can help improve the quality of life of many elderly people.

One of the best things about writing is that it requires no previous experience or talent in order to take it up. All you need is a piece of paper, a pen, and some thoughts in your head to help you get started. Here are some great reasons why writing can be a good remedy to help fight loneliness and make your days more interesting.

  1. It helps pass the time in a productive way

The very first and best way through which writing can help with fighting loneliness is through providing the person with a productive outlet. While this might not be compared to cleaning the house or gardening, it helps work the mind and keeps it alert.

Staying productive and having a vision can truly help a person find purpose in their lives. Productivity helps combat loneliness and can help the elderly find a new hobby that can prove to be very interesting. In addition to this, having something to write about and staying productive will keep their minds occupied and healthy.

  1. It can help revive old memories

Reviving old memories can be especially helpful for people that have issues with their memory. Putting the brain in a process that makes it try and remember past occurrences can help strengthen the memory. This can work in a protective way and help make a difference in the years to come.

In addition to this, the person can find a way to let their life story live on. In many cases, people with interesting pasts never get the chance to let their families know about everything they experienced. Writing can help them put those stories together and allow them to share their experience with their loved ones.

  1. It allows them to stay creative

Staying creative at an older age is also very important as it can help the person find new hobbies. Writing can act as a catalyst to this and help them get interested in new things they might not have thought about. John Mayer, Creative Director for SupremeDissertations, said that “Writing at any age can aid creativity and make the person see things from a different perspective.”

Writing about a story or a life event might make the person more interested in also drawing something from that story or cooking an old recipe. Anything that can spark their interest in doing something new or creative is bound to help combat loneliness and give life a new perspective.

  1. It can help them stay in touch with their families

Another important reason why writing can help with fighting loneliness is that it can help reconnect the elderly with their families. Sometimes, living away from people can cause you to call less frequently or have less time to communicate with them. Writing a letter or an email will require very little time and can remind the family to stay in touch more often.

Younger generations can teach their grandparents how to use a smartphone or a tablet and send messages through there. While this might not be as creative, it is still a form of writing that aids communication. This is a lot more direct as the family can share images and videos and stay in touch with their older relatives easier.

  1. It can help them meet new people

For those that are keen on using the internet, there are ways for them to reconnect with old friends and also meet new people. Platforms such as Facebook allow the elderly to find friends and family members easily and make new connections. By joining groups based on their interests, they can make new friends and have more people to talk to.

This way, they can engage in more writing and speak to people with similar experiences and interests. When it comes to writing online, they can even use the help of tools and services such as Grammarly and TopEssayWriting. These can help easily correct grammar and spelling mistakes so they can only focus on speaking their minds.

Using writing as an outlet

Sometimes, living by yourself can be difficult. No matter the age or situation, loneliness can be tough, but there are ways to make it better. Writing can provide people of all ages with a creative outlet that can keep them occupied for hours.

Whether you choose to write about your own life stories or you wish to find new ways to contact your loved ones, writing can help. All you need to do is be motivated, and writing can provide you with the means to stay creative and more connected to the world.

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